January 2017 #MWTravel Chat Features Clear Lake, Iowa
2017 kicks off with a bang, as we showcase Clear Lake, Iowa. There are lots of things going on in Clear Lake, Iowa, all year round. The winter season brings ice fishing, kite flying, snowmobiling and a weekend celebrating the life of Buddy Holly.
Summer brings the best 4th of July Celebration in the midwest.
And of course, we will be talking about food! You won’t want to miss our next Midwest Travel Chat featuring this North Iowa destination. We’ll be live tweeting from the Surf Ballroom. Yes, you read that correctly, it’s a live Twitter event and we are excited! Join us Wed. Jan 4th 11 a.m. – Noon (CST) for the Midwest Travel Chat #MWTravel.
We’ve just scratched the surface. We have a lot more to share about what you can experience while in Clear Lake. Make sure to mark your calendars to join us and start tweeting with us at 11 am (CST) sharp.
If you are a new Twitter Chat participant, here’s a step-by-step guide to follow on how to participate.
WHO: Hosts @walkingtourists @travelwithsara @VisitClearLake @mwtravelblogs (Follow all)
WHEN: January 4, 2016 11 am – Noon (CST)
WHAT: January #MWTravel Chat Sponsored by Visit Clear Lake
HOW TO JOIN: Follow the hashtag #MWTravel!
Hop on Twitter and have a conversation. You may win one of these prizes
Clear Lake Chamber – Historical ornaments (Bayside, The Princess, & Lakeshore Hotel)
Fareway Gift Card (DSC is the preferred contractor for Fareway stores) from @DeanSnyderConst
**Lake Time Boat Club – Free paddleboard/kayak outing @LakeTimeBC
Central Iowa Tourism Region – CITR Beach Towel and Travel Guide
Movement Solutions – 1 free watersports rental, koozies & t-shirt @moveclearlake
Clear Lake Farmer’s Market – Reuseable shopping tote and $5 Market Bucks @clfarmersmarket
The Barrel Drive-In – Barrel historical ornament @barreldrivein
Holiday Inn Express & Suites, Northwood – 1 overnight stay @HIExpressNwd
City of Clear Lake – One-day family pool pass @cityofclearlake
TRI Clear Lake – 2 Tickets to the Tri Clear Lake Spaghetti Dinner
Lake Time Brewery – T-shirt and koozie @laketimebrewery
Lake Theatre – Movie Package: 4 movie tickets, large popcorn, 2 medium sodas, 2 snack packs @LakeTheatre1
Surf Ballroom – Tickets to Chris Jansen (January 27, 2017) @SurfBallroom
To be eligible to win prizes, you must have at least one tweet in the Twitter Chat from 11 am – Noon (CST)/ Noon – 1 pm (ET) on Wednesday, January 4, 2017.
See you on Wednesday, January 4th on Twitter! Be sure to use the Hashtag #MWTravel*
Thank you Visit Clear Lake for partnering with us.