
A Colorful Kite Festival In The Mid-West: Clear Lake, Iowa

Clear Lake, Iowa, is home to the Color The Wind Kite Festival.

February 15, 2025 is the date of this years event.

With a lake that offers enjoyment 365 days of the year, there is always something going on. Each year brings new excitement, as the festival approaches. The Mid-West’s largest, colorful kite festival takes place at the sea wall in Clear Lake. And yes, there will be snow and wind. The spectators will still come out to the frozen lake to “Ooh and Aahh.”

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Color The Wind Kite Festival: Clear Lake, Iowa

The lake has a sturdy sheet of ice across it, which made this an ideal setting for a kite festival in February. When we approached the sea wall, we could see the kites in the air from a couple of blocks away. The snow was falling at around 1-2″ per hour, a fairly heavy rate with a nice steady wind. The winds made for a terrific day to fly a kite. These five kite flying participants were controlling several kites from their positions. And as you can tell, participants were dressed for the weather. You never know what the weather will be, as each year brings something new.

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Kite Festival Clear Lake, Iowa

Head To The Sea Wall And Venture Out To The Lake

This exclusive kite festival is a free event and offers great family entertainment on a cold, winter’s day. There were hundreds of families down near the sea wall and you could see many smiles on a lot of faces. With several kites to watch, all spectators are guaranteed to find a kite that they want to watch all day. When is the last time you walked on a frozen lake and witnessed art like this? Tip: Invest in some ice spikes for your boots.

Where To Park For Color The Wind Kite Festival

Shuttle service is available for 2025, you can view the shuttle hours and map on the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce website. Shuttle service begins at 10:30 am and the last pickup downtown will be at 4:00 pm. Tip: You can view the kites from the windshield of your car along North Shore Drive.

Clear Lake, Iowa

Winter is a season that Iowans have learned to embrace. They venture out to support their local community events in all types of weather. A little wind and snow add a little character to this event, and all attendees have learned to embrace it.

Here’s a glimpse of what it was like down near the kite flying area.  Bundle up and enjoy all that winter has to offer. Iowans embrace the season and are not afraid of venturing out on a frozen lake. Plan now to spend time in Clear Lake for Color The Wind 2025, as you will be glad you took the time to attend.

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Sara is a travel enthusiast that resides in North Iowa. You can find her traveling where the plane, train, ship, or car will go. Are you looking to take a road trip? Sara has solutions for you!

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