
April 2017 #MWTravel Chat Features Hamilton County Indiana

Join us on Wednesday, April 19th, at 11 a.m. CST/12 p.m. EST for the Midwest Travel Twitter Chat #MWTravel. We’ll be chatting live from the Visit Hamilton County Indiana tourism offices and sharing all the fun, food and more that we’ve experienced the two days before.

sara archery

From trying our hand at archery and horseback riding to touring the elegant Palladium concert hall and exploring living history at Conner Prairie, and, of course, food. We’ll be sharing it all with you. Join us to check out why you need to put this destination on your list to visit!

There will be prizes to be won by participants in the chat. These prizes are fantastic!

**4 tickets to Conner Prairie
**One pass to Koteewi Range (archery)
**One complimentary rental at White River Canoe Company
**One overnight stay at the Hilton Garden Inn Carmel

If you are a new Twitter Chat participant, here’s a step by step guide to follow on how to participate.

WHEN: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 from 11 am- Noon (CST)/ Noon- 1 PM (EST)

WHO: Hosts @walkingtourists @travelwithsara @VisitHamiltonCo @mwtravelblogs

WHAT: Monthly #MWTravel Chat Featuring Visit Hamilton County, IN

HOW TO JOIN: Follow the hashtag #MWTravel!

And you will have the opportunity to win prizes just by hopping on Twitter and having a conversation with us.


To be eligible to win prizes, you must:
Have at least one tweet in the Twitter Chat from 11 am – Noon (CST)/ Noon – 1 pm (EST) on Wednesday April 19, 2017.

See you on April 19th, on Twitter! Be sure to use the Hashtag #MWTravel

Thank you, Visit Hamilton Co, IN, for partnering with us.

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Sara is a travel enthusiast that resides in North Iowa. You can find her traveling where the plane, train, ship, or car will go. Are you looking to take a road trip? Sara has solutions for you!

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