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The Best Christmas Shops In The Midwest

Christmas shops in the Midwest are inspiring, fun, and an experience you will want to relive over and over. From Christmas ornaments to candles that offer the scent of pine all year long, there’s something for everyone. Why not indulge in a candy cane in July?

There’s something to be said about Christmas all year long. Shopping in a Christmas shop in the Midwest is fun, relaxing, and an opportunity for you to enjoy what makes you happy. Several of my Midwest tourism friends have some wonderful suggestions of the best Christmas Shops in the Midwest- Check them out!

Shipshewana, Indiana at Christmas

Bronner’s CHRISTmas Wonderland

Stephanie of Consistently Curious fell in love with the town of Frankenmuth, Michigan. She enjoys visiting this incredible Christmas shop in the Midwest. 

Did you know that the World’s Largest Christmas store is in the midwest? Bronner’s CHRISTmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth, Michigan, is bound to fill you with Christmas cheer. From traditional holiday decor to more unique Christmas items, it is easy to spend hours browsing the festive displays.


Stepping into the massive 2.2-acre store is magical. You immediately become immersed in the Christmas spirit as twinkling lights, cheerful Santas, and gingerbread men greet you. Holiday music filters through the store, creating an upbeat, joyful shopping experience. Aromas of cinnamon, cookies, and vanilla fill the air, making it necessary to stop at the instore cafe to see the seasons’ eatings for the day.

Find the perfect ornament for any occasion while perusing through over 6,000 ornaments. They can personalize ornaments on the spot or for pick-up later. After you have finished shopping, stop at the Silent Night Chapel located next to the parking lot. It is a replica of the original chapel in Oberndorf/Salzburg, Austria, marking the site where “Silent Night” was first sung on Christmas Eve in 1818.

Tip: Pick up a map at the entrance you come in.

Experience Norway in Iowa

Experience Christmas at Ingebretsen’s Nordic Marketplace

Kris and Tom of Mn Trips, have recommended Ingebretsen’s Nordic Marketplace in Minneapolis. If you love anything related to Scandinavian heritage, this is your shop.

If you know anything about Minnesota, you’ll know that Minnesota is the home of Scandinavian immigration and tradition in the United States. Scandinavian influences are easy to spot in Minnesota, and the best place to pick up your Scandinavian fix is Ingebretsen’s Nordic Marketplace when shopping in Minneapolis. Ingebretsen’s is always stocked with all things Scandinavian. Swedish cookware (especially anything to do with butter and sugar,) Norwegian wool and sweater patterns, and several books touting the Vikings’ exploration of America. There’s also an attached butcher and cheese shop.

Minneapolis Christmas Shop

But when Ingebretsen’s really shines is the Christmas season. This is when the store overflows with handmade Christmas ornaments from all the Scandinavian countries. There are reindeer from Finland, felt bears from Sweden, and elves from Norway. And, of course, all nationalities of snowmen. The ornaments are a traditional small gift for the Swedish side of our family, and all the children and grandchildren can count on getting a new reminder of their heritage in their stockings every Christmas morning.

Christmas in Branson, Missouri

Explore Ohio’s Largest Year-Round Christmas Store – ‘Tis the Season

Leah of Amish Country Traveler recommends Ohio’s Amish Country in Berlin. ‘Tis the Season offers an incredible shopping experience all year long.

‘Tis the Season is Ohio’s largest year-round Christmas store!  Located in the heart of Ohio’s Amish Country in Berlin, there is literally something for everyone. The main floor is divided into various sections creating a “village” feel.  The highlight is the Alleluia Chapel, which includes antique pews, stained glass windows, and angel and religious decor for purchase.

The loft is the place to find all of the themed trees.  Want a beachy Christmas tree?  A safari theme?  Woodland?  You won’t run out of ideas for making your home something Santa would delight in!

Amish Country

The lower level is where visitors will find a forest of 2-12 foot Christmas trees!  This is also the place for your holiday accessories – Christmas lights, stocking, Nativity sets, Santas. Our kids loved this area as much as the adults.

The best thing about ‘Tis the Season is the ability to visit any time of the year! If you need a little bit of Christmas spirit, I highly recommend visiting this extravagant Midwest shop.

Iowa In Photos

Celebrate Christmas at the International Christmas Market

Melissa of Thirty Something SuperMom is a fan of the International Christmas Market in the Amana Colonies. You can enjoy Iowa’s Amana Colonies all year long with holiday cheer at your fingertips.

It’s Christmas all year long at the International Christmas Market. Even the biggest of grinches will feel the holiday spirit upon stepping inside of this festive wonderland. See, smell, and immerse yourself in the magic of Christmas while browsing this expansive selection of holiday goods. Shoppers can find a variety of holiday decor, gifts, and unique items located inside of the General Store in the historical Amana Colonies. Spend the day visiting the seven colonies and be sure to bring the whole family along for the holiday fun. There is something for everyone inside of this must-visit, one of a kind, Christmas shop.

Christmas By The Lake

Amana Colonies Iowa Christmas
When visiting during the holiday season shoppers can expect to see a Christmas celebration like no other. The main village is decorated beautifully for the holidays and a visit to the Tannenbaum Forest is sure to become a tradition for your family once you have experienced it for yourself.

 Enjoy Christmas Candy All Year Long

Carrie of Chicago Foodie Sisters shares one of her favorite Christmas shops in Indiana.
Santa’s Candy Castle dates back to 1935 when it was part of Santa Claus, Indiana’s first tourist destination, Santa Claus Land. The red brick building resembled a castle and was sponsored by the Curtiss Candy Company makers of Baby Ruth and Butterfinger candy bars. The following year, the attraction expanded with the addition of Santa’s Workshop and toy Village, which had buildings sponsored by toy companies where nothing was sold- it was just a place for kids to play with the popular toys of the day.
Santa Claus Indiana

After sitting vacant and unused for about three decards, Santa’s Candy Castle was restored and re-opened in 2006 and now offers all the nostalgic candies of your youth along with homemade fudge, frozen hot chocolate, gourmet popcorn, and a massic assortment of Pez dispensers. It’s Christmas all year long in this charming town, and you can shop for Christmas village pieces and collectibles, decorations, ornaments, and more at the Santa Claus Christmas Store.

Fall brings the time of year when we all begin to think about Christmas and what it means to each of us. If you find yourself down and need some Christmas cheer, these Midwest Christmas shops can brighten your spirits. Happy shopping, as I know these shops will fill your soul with joy.

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Sara is a travel enthusiast that resides in North Iowa. You can find her traveling where the plane, train, ship, or car will go. Are you looking to take a road trip? Sara has solutions for you!

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