
December #MWTravel Chat Featuring Kansas City

The winds have begun to change and the chill in the air is getting a little more brisk. The colorful leaves that were hanging on have become a little more barren on the trees. What comes next is magical this time of year in our next destination for our December Midwest Travel Twitter Chat – Kansas City, Missouri.

From delicious BBQ to amazing museums, public art and championship-winning sports teams, Kansas City has a ton to offer its visitors.

stadium kc

And that’s the stuff that’s available year-round. In the wintertime, the holidays shine bright in the lights of the shopping centers like the Country Club Plaza and Zona Rosa to the very family friendly activities at Crown Center Mall. Check out how much more there is to shopping during the holiday season during our chat! It’s exciting to be talking about another destination that offers four seasons and a variety of experiences.

Travel With Sara and The Walking Tourists are excited to share the fun at our December Midwest Travel Chat using #MWTravel. Our featured destination will be Kansas City, MO. They are generously providing a few prizes to participants in the chat.

If you are a new Twitter Chat participant, here’s a step by step guide to follow on how to participate.

WHO: Hosts @walkingtourists @travelwithsara @VisitKC

WHAT: Monthly #MWTravel Chat Featuring Kansas City, MO

HOW TO JOIN: Follow the hashtag #MWTravel!

WHEN: Wednesday, December 2, 2015

And check out the prizes that you have the opportunity to win, just by hopping on Twitter and having a conversation with us.


– 2 Passes to The National World War I Museum & Memorial

– Gift Certificate ($25) to Crown Center (2 winners)

– 2 Passes to The College Basketball Experience

Gift Card good at Pierponts or Hereford House ($100)

Plaza Gift Card ($50)

Kansas City Power & Light Gift Card ($25)

To be eligible to win prizes, you must:

Have at least one tweet in the Twitter Chat from 11 am – Noon (CST)/ Noon – 1 pm (EST) on Dec. 2, 2015.

See you on Dec. 2 on Twitter! Be sure to use the Hashtag #MWTravel

Thank you Visit KC for partnering with us.

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Sara is a travel enthusiast that resides in North Iowa. You can find her traveling where the plane, train, ship, or car will go. Are you looking to take a road trip? Sara has solutions for you!

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